To maneuver yourself off the beaten Path of Self-Destruction, you need to first commit yourself to overcome your limiting patterns of behavior.
Change, of course, happens when we become consciously aware of these patterns. When you become fed-up living through the consequences of your behavior, that’s when you’ll instigate change.
To make any change stick, you must first train yourself to better manage your fears and emotional responses. All this comes back to developing your emotional intelligence.
As you become more emotionally intelligent, you will tend to make better choices. This will, likewise, help you transform your limiting habits and the patterns of behavior that have so far held you back in life.
Change typically happens the moment you decide to leave your past behind and build a better future.
Along the way you must, however, acquire relevant resources, support, skills, knowledge, and the mental strategies you will need to help you deal with the challenges you’re likely to face along your journey.
IQ Matrix Maps
Below you will find relevant IQ Matrix maps that are part of this segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart:
- Acquired Wisdom
- Act with Confidence
- A Curious Nature
- Accepting Responsibility
- An Empowered Morning
- Asking for Help
- 360 Degree Thinking
- Becoming More Resourceful
- Be Open to Change
- Better Life Choices
- Building Self-Worth
- Build Support Network
- Conquering Self-Doubt
- Consistency in Action
- Creating Momentum
- Decision Filters
- Develop Competence
- Develop Self-Discipline
- Developing Trust
- Eliminating Fear
- Embracing Change
- Emotional Mastery
- Empowering Rituals
- Fear of Judgment
- Find Your Confidence
- Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
- Getting Unstuck
- Instant Gratification Trap
- Learn from Experience
- Life Resource List
- Life Transitions
- Live Courageously
- Living Mindfully
- Living Spontaneously
- Living with Gratitude
- Make an Effort
- Mental Fortitude
- Overcoming Fear
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Pain-Pleasure Principle
- Perspective Lenses
- Physiology of Excellence
- Profession Lenses
- Release and Let Go
- Reset, Refresh and Renew
- Smart Goal Setting
- Starting Over Again
- Strategic Questions
- Taking Massive Action
- Total Life Reinvention
- The Art of Self-Control
- The Grow Model
- The Law of Opposites
- Transforming Attitude
- Transforming Beliefs
- Transforming Habits
- Transforming Language
- Transforming Needs
- Transforming Self-Concept
- Transforming Values
- Unconquerable Spirit
- Understanding Fear
- Unhelpful Thinking Styles
- Unstoppable Motivation
- Visualization Techniques
- Working Through Change
- Your Life Story
Additional Resources
Learn more about this segment of the MasterMind Matrix by visiting the following links and resources:
- 3 Important Lesson for Making Critical Life Changes
- 3 Shortcuts to Faster, Easier Change
- 5 Myths About Change
- 10 Biggest Obstacles Keeping You From Making Change Successfully
- 50 Ways to Start Fresh
- A Simple Guide to Making Changes That Stick
- Change is Hard, Here’s Why You Should Keep Trying
- Challenging Your Unhelpful Thoughts
- How to Change Your Life
- How to Create a Life Resource List
- How to Embrace Change
- Recognizing Our Patterns and Learning How to Change Them
- The Art of Changing Easily and Gracefully
- The Best Way to Successfully Overhaul Your Life
- Why Trying Harder Won’t Change Your Life
Recommended Books
Here are several recommended books that will provide you with more insights and information about this specific segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart.
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