Life Resource List

The Life Resource List IQ Matrix identifies the resources you need to collect in order to enhance your chances of succeeding in any field of endeavor. The mind map describes the purpose of a resource list; identifies different types of resource categories that are commonly used; presents a four step self-analysis process that will help you to identify the resources you might need.

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Life Resource List IQ Matrix:

  • What is a Resource List?:  Describes what a resource list is and for what purpose it can be used.
  • Types of Resources:  Identifies different types of resource categories that are commonly used to help you achieve your goals and overcome obstacles in your life.
  • Life Resource Analysis: Presents a four step self-analysis process that will help you to identify the resources you need to achieve your goals and objectives.

As you build and grow your resource list over time, you will progressively develop the necessary confidence and experience you need to achieve your goals and overcome the obstacles that normally stop other people in their tracks.

[intense_badge color=”muted” border_radius=”5″] Map No. IQx0109s [/intense_badge]

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