Here we get into the realm of the unseen reality. This is a topic that’s difficult to write about as there is very little scientific evidence to back it up. But I’ll do my best to briefly describe how it’s intertwined into the fabric of the MasterMind Matrix chart.
There is this unified field of energy that connects all of us at a subatomic level. Some call this unified field God, while others call it a Life Force or Infinite Intelligence.
This Infinite Intelligence is a knowledge bank of collective ideas, insights, and information that has coalesced and morphed over eons. It draws to each person opportunities and learning experiences that mirror pre-programmed mental patterns and behaviors that help them fulfil their Personal Legend.
As you go about your day, you’re naturally exposed to people, events, things, and circumstances that are brought forth into your life via this collective source of intelligence. These things are in your life to help you grow into the person you need to be to fulfil your Personal Legend. We do, however, often lose our way. Poor conditioning and mental programming does tend to lead many people astray.
IQ Matrix Maps
Below you will find relevant IQ Matrix maps that are part of this segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart:
Additional Resources
Learn more about this segment of the MasterMind Matrix by visiting the following links and resources:
- About Infinite Intelligence
- Are You Living Your Personal Legend?
- Following Your Personal Legend
- How to Embrace and Follow Your Personal Legend
- Infinite Intelligence is the “God Particle”
- Infinite Intelligence or God?
- In Subatomic Tracking, Clues to the Unseen Universe
- The Grandfather Paradox
- The Paradox of Time
- The Sixth Sense and Infinite Intelligence
- The Temporal Paradox
- Unlocking Your Personal Legend
- What is Infinite Intelligence and How to Make it Work for You
- What is Your Personal Legend?
- Why the Subconscious Part of Your is so Powerful
Recommended Books
Here are several recommended books that will provide you with more insights and information about this specific segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart.
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