The Nervous System (mx)

The Nervous System is the central hub of consciousness and mental activity. Its job is to sort all information filtering through your five senses.

One of its primary functions is to delete, distort, and generalize your experience of reality. In other words, it filters what you perceive to reinforce structures of reality that match existing beliefs, values, expectations, and paradigms. This is, essentially, how you make sense of the world around you.

The nervous system also has a direct influence on the Emotional Mind (limbic system). This is the central hub of all your emotional experiences.

When the limbic system is stimulated, it triggers the pituitary gland, which controls hormonal fluctuations in your body. You then feel these effects as one of many emotions that circulate through your body.

It’s important to note that any emotion you experience is only your interpretations of your reality — not actual reality. It’s based on conditioned responses that have been ingrained into your psyche through your nervous system over time. How you respond is as unique as the emotion you experience.

The Nervous System

IQ Matrix Maps

Below you will find relevant IQ Matrix maps that are part of this segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart:

Additional Resources

Learn more about this segment of the MasterMind Matrix by visiting the following links and resources:

Here are several recommended books that will provide you with more insights and information about this specific segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart.

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