Law of Belief

The Law of Belief states that what we believe with feeling, commitment and intention will become our living reality; whether we like it or not. The mind map discusses the relevance of this law; explores the paralyzing effect of self-limiting beliefs and the impact they have on our lives; presents several guiding principles for taking charge of limiting beliefs, and more.

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Law of Belief IQ Matrix:

  • Immutable Law:  Describes the law of belief and how it is relevant to our everyday thoughts, behaviors and actions.
  • Self-Limiting Beliefs:  Discusses the paralyzing effect that self-limiting beliefs can have on our lives.
  • Mindset Strategies:  Presents several guiding principles that will help you to take charge of your self-limiting beliefs and step into a world of limitless possibilities.
  • Transforming Beliefs:  Lists several analysis questions that will help you to take control of your beliefs and patterns of thinking.

Use the law of belief to your advantage, and you will progressively release a magnetic force that attracts what you want most into your life.

[intense_badge color=”muted” border_radius=”5″] Map No. IQx0064s [/intense_badge]

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