Mental State (mx)

What we focus on and how we tend to focus on things directly impacts the types of emotions we experience each day.

When we focus on the negatives, on all our problems, on all the people who have hurt us, on all the conflict that is going on in the world, and on all the things that we don’t want in our lives — is it really then surprising that we end up feeling miserable?

What if you were to focus on all the positive things instead? What if you started focusing on all the opportunities that you’ve been blessed with? What if you started being more grateful for everything you currently have in your life instead of longing for the things that are out of reach? What if, instead of focusing on problems you focused on solutions? What if you challenged yourself to do and be better when facing adversity? How would all this make you feel? Would you feel any different? Somewhat better?

How you focus and where you focus your attention has a direct impact on your emotional state of mind. This, subsequently, influences how resourceful you are when facing difficulties in your life.

Mental State

IQ Matrix Maps

Below you will find relevant IQ Matrix maps that are part of this segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart:

Additional Resources

Learn more about this segment of the MasterMind Matrix by visiting the following links and resources:

Here are several recommended books that will provide you with more insights and information about this specific segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart.

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