The Conquering Fear IQ Matrix will help you face the fears that are holding you back in life. The mind map explores the things you must do immediately the moment fear strikes; identifies the things to do to inoculate yourself from your fears; explores how to retrain your brain and strengthen your fear muscle; presents several long-term strategies for conquering fear.
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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Conquering Fear IQ Matrix:
- When Struck by Fear: Explores the things you must immediately do the moment fear strikes you. These are key principles that you must always keep in mind that will help you to develop the necessary habits and responses you need to pave the way forward to conquer your fear.
- Build Your Fear Muscle: Identifies the things you can do on a daily basis that will help you to inoculate yourself from your fears step-by-step. Some of these guidelines are very simple and straight forward, however they can be very powerful transformation tools to help you develop and strengthen your fear muscle.
- Retrain Your Brain: Same way as within the previous branch, here the map explores how to retrain your brain to help you develop the type of mindset that looks fear in the face and runs straight at its heart. This is all about developing the habits of courage to help you confront your worst nightmares.
- Long-term Strategies: Discover several long-term strategies you can begin applying into your life that will help you to conquer any fear that decides to enter into your domain. Apply these strategies into your life, and you will progressively overcome the fears that are holding you back.
Stick with these principles, memorize and incorporate them into your life, and you will progressively develop the necessary mindset that is required to finally conquer your fears and thereby free yourself to live your dreams.
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