PS1: Define Problem

The Define Problem IQ Matrix is the first of a series of five comprehensive maps that delve into the intricacies of solving life’s most difficult problems. This first map shows you how to define your problem clearly in order to lay down the path for the remainder of the problem solving process. The mind map guides you through the initial stages of the problem solving process.

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Define Your Problem IQ Matrix:

  • The Purpose:  Briefly outlines the purpose of this specific stage of the problem solving process.
  • Problem Definition:  Explains how to define your problem and the goal you would like to achieve by presenting you with several thought-provoking and insightful questions. Without a clear definition of the problem, you will struggle to find the answers you need to help find an effective solution.
  • Imagine Desired Reality:  Now it’s time to take yourself into the future and imagine what your desired reality will look like once the problem you are facing has been resolved. This is an important step because it will help you to clarify in your mind the steps you might need to take to reach a satisfactory solution.
  • Illuminate Past and Current Reality:  Finally, it’s critical that you understand what’s worked or hasn’t worked for you in the past when it comes to solving this type of problem. In addition to this, you must also illuminate your current reality. Unless you are clear about where you are right now and the resources you have on hand, than you will struggle to find an appropriate and workable solution for solving your problem.

Stick with these principles, memorize and incorporate them into your life, and you will progressively develop the necessary habits-of-mind that will help you to define your problem clearly, thereby laying down the foundations for the remainder of the problem solving process.

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