Overcoming Hurt

The Overcoming Hurt IQ Matrix explores how to better manage and overcome your feelings of hurt. Whether someone hurt your feelings, pride, or state-of-mind, this map and accompanying 20 page eBook will show you how to work through these feelings in optimal ways. The mind map outlines how and why we experience the emotion of hurt, delves into the consequences of this debilitating emotion, breaks down a four-step process for overcoming feelings of hurt, and provides guidelines for managing your hurt feelings in optimal ways.

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Overcoming Hurt IQ Matrix:

  • Exploring Your Hurt Feelings: The first branch of this map explores how and why we experience the emotion of hurt in our lives. It also lists down the consequences of hurt and its effect on our lives.
  • Process for Overcoming Hurt: The second branch of this map breaks down a four-step process you can use to help you overcome your feelings of hurt. Working through these steps will help you to work through hurt feelings far more effectively.
  • Tips for Overcoming Hurt: The final two branches of this map present you with several suggestions that you can incorporate into your life to minimize your feelings of hurt. These guidelines will change how you interpret the events and circumstances of your life and will thereby help you to overcome your hurt feelings.

Stick with these principles, memorize and incorporate them into your life, and you will progressively uncover how to manage hurt feelings in optimal and helpful ways.

[intense_badge color=”muted” border_radius=”5″] Map No. IQx0138s [/intense_badge]

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