Personal Influence

The Personal of Influence IQ Matrix explores what it takes to become a person of influence in your field, profession or industry. The mind map provides you with essential rapport creation and communication techniques you need to help you gain great respect and influence in the public arena. Personal influence is, of course, built upon the fundamentals of communication and listening skills. The mind map specifically breaks down how to develop your rapport skills, how to become a better listener, and how to improve your communication style and technique. A Person of Influence

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Personal Influence IQ Matrix:

  • Building Rapport: The first branch of this map delves into essential rapport creation tactics you can use to gain influence over the people in your life. The branch specifically breaks down what to do and what not to do. It also highlights how to mirror people.
  • Master How to Listen: The second branch of this map lays down a solid groundwork for what it takes to become an active listener. This is the biggest branch out of the three because listening is at the core of personal influence.
  • Master How to Talk: The final branch of this map explores key speaking principles that we must adapt to become an influential communicator in a personal and public setting. Again, this branch breaks down the do’s and don’ts of how to communicate more effectively.

Stick with these principles, memorize and incorporate them into your daily interactions with others, and you will progressively gain more influence over the people in your life.

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