Overcoming Procrastination

The Overcoming Procrastination IQ Matrix explores how to move from procrastination and stagnation into a more optimal and empowered state of mind that incites motivation. The mind map and accompanying 40 Page eBook outline seven distinct triggers for procrastination. Describes the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Discusses how to use the Six Human Needs to increase your motivation while working on your goals. Breaks down a five-step process for finding more motivation throughout the day, and walks you through several strategies to help you stay motivated when facing difficulties.

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Overcoming Procrastination IQ Matrix:

  • Reasons for Procrastination: The first branch of this map explores various reasons and triggers that cause us to indulge in the habit of procrastination. Some of these reasons are obvious and easily identifiable, while other reasons are more subtle and deeply ingrained in our psyche.
  • How to Overcome Procrastination: The second branch of this map walks you through a process of steps you can use that will help you overcome the debilitating habit of procrastination. You may need to move through this process several times to gain maximum value and clarity.
  • Take Action: The final two branches of this map provide you with a wide array of things you can do that will help you overcome procrastination. The map explores some motivation strategies, qualities you should cultivate, actions you can take, and habits you must avoid indulging in.

Stick with these principles, memorize, and incorporate them into your life, and you will progressively develop the necessary mindset, behaviors, and rituals that will empower you to overcome the debilitating habit of procrastination.

[intense_badge color=”muted” border_radius=”5″] Map No. IQx0019s [/intense_badge]

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