Improving Concentration

The Improving Concentration IQ Matrix explores how to boost your level of concentration throughout the day. The better you’re able to concentrate on a given task, the easier it is to learn, to manage unhelpful thoughts, to boost productivity, and direct your mind towards a single objective or goal. However, to improve concentration takes consistent practice and effort. Use this mind map and the accompanying 20 page eBook as a handy reference poster to develop effective habits-of-mind to improve your levels of focus and concentration throughout the day.

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Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Improving Concentration IQ Matrix:

  • Benefits of Concentration: The first branch of this map explores the benefits of concentration, how to develop concentration, and the key things required to help boost your level of concentration throughout the day.
  • Concentrating on Tasks: The second branch of this map provides you with a six-step process you can follow that will help you boost your level of concentration while working on a specific task.
  • Developing Your Concentration Muscle: The third branch of this map examines a variety of things you can do each day to help you maintain a high level of concentration while working towards your desired objectives.
  • Concentration Exercises: The final branch of this map outlines several exercises you can do daily that will help improve your level of concentration and ability to focus on the task at hand.

Stick with these principles, memorize and incorporate them into your life, and you will progressively strengthen your concentration muscle. Once strengthened, it will help improve your productivity and ability to stay focused on the task at hand for longer periods at a time.

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