Expanding Comfort Zone

The Expanding Comfort Zone IQ Matrix presents a step-by-step process that will help you to break-free of your comfort zone and step onto a path that will take you towards the attainment of your goals. The mind map breaks down the fundamental aspects of a comfort zone; delves into limiting emotions, behaviors and habits that hold you back; presents key questions, and more.

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Expanding Comfort Zone IQ Matrix:

  • Comfort Zone Analysis:  Breaks down the fundamental aspects of a comfort zone and identifies the pitfalls and opportunities that can result when you step outside, or retract back within your comfort zone on a daily basis.
  • The Process of Constriction:  Delves into the limiting emotions, behaviors, habits and other factors that will keep you stuck within your comfort zone for extended periods at a time. Unless you proactively take the time to remove these limitations from your reality, then you will suffer the consequences of a life full of regrets.
  • The Process of Expansion:  Presents you with several key questions that will help you to develop the necessary clarity to step outside of your comfort zone. Additionally, this section takes you through the stages of comfort zone expansion and identifies the choices and decisions you should be making along the way.
  • Strategies for Expansion:  Presents both personal and interpersonal strategies you can immediately use to help you step outside your comfort zone and onto a path that will help you to achieve your lifelong goals and objectives.

Stick with these principles, memorize and incorporate them into your habitual patterns of behavior, and you will progressively develop the necessary courage, knowledge and experience to help you step outside your comfort zone and into the realm of great opportunity and lifelong rewards.

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