Conflict Resolution

The Conflict Resolution IQ Matrix explores how to work through a conflict or disagreement between two people. The framework outlined within this map can be used to resolve a dispute between a couple in an intimate relationship or any conflict between two people in a family, social, or workplace setting. The underlying goal of the map is to highlight the importance of strengthening the relationship over trying to resolve the situation. There is little point in trying to resolve the situation if it will end up hurting the relationship over the long-run.

As you follow the conflict resolution steps presented within this map, they will help you to understand better what to do to not only resolve the conflict but also to build a deeper bond and stronger relationship with the other person.Hack Overwhelm mind map

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Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Conflict Resolution IQ Matrix:

  • OUTLINE GOAL: Your first task when it comes to conflict resolution is to get a sense of what needs to be resolved. The first branch of this map takes you through how to set a goal for resolving the conflict you are facing. The key idea is, however, to focus on strengthening the relationship first before attempting to resolve the situation.
  • SET TONE: Tensions within a relationship typically rise not because of what happened, but rather because of the tone that each person sets. The second branch of this map guides you on how to set a nurturing emotional tone for resolving the conflict. If you come across as nurturing, caring, and open-minded, then you are far more likely to resolve the situation.
  • SEEK TO UNDERSTAND: To resolve conflict effectively, you need to understand where the other person is coming from. The third branch of this map walks you through how to better understand the other person’s fears, identity, beliefs, values, and root desires. The insights you gain here will help you build a gameplan for resolving the conflict successfully.
  • YOUR GAMEPLAN: The final branch of this map outlines how to create a gameplan for conflict resolution. Here, you are taking into account all the background work you’ve done in the previous steps and creating a plan of action for resolving this conflict. Ultimately you are working toward a shared future vision for the relationship.

This map provides a roadmap and framework for resolving conflict, disagreement, or dispute in any relationship. Referencing it regularly and committing it to memory will help you to embed these concepts and ideas into your subconscious mind.

A mind map, of course, does this beautifully because it mirrors the synaptic connections made in your brain as you try to establish new habits of thought and behavior. It brings together key concepts and ideas that help your brain to fully integrate and process this information. The brain, subsequently, rewires itself as it attempts to establish new habits of mind. It’s an ideal tool for creating lasting change and transformation.

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