Being More Thoughtful

The Being More Thoughtful IQ Matrix explores how to become a more thoughtful person who takes other people’s needs, wants and desires into consideration. Thoughtful people often go out of their way to make other people feel appreciated, respected, important, special and valued. And because they make this extra effort, they quickly form strong bonds and relationships with those around them. As such, thoughtfulness becomes a wonderful act that helps you win friends and influence people.

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Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Being More Thoughtful IQ Matrix:

  • About Thoughtfulness: The first branch of this map explores what being thoughtful is all about. Specifically, it breaks down how a thoughtful person lives their life, how they focus on others, and how keen listening and observation skills help them put their thoughtfulness into practical action.
  • How Thoughtfulness Emerges: The second branch of this map examines how thoughtfulness typically emerges through action. This is not so much about very specific things that thoughtful people do, but rather about how they think about and approach people that leads to their thoughtful acts.
  • Becoming More Thoughtful: The next couple of branches of this map unlock a six step process that will help you to get into the habit of becoming a more thoughtful person. The process essentially requires that you really get to know yourself. Only once you know and understand yourself, can you deeply connect with another person on a level where thoughtfulness comes into play.
  • Thoughtful Ideas: The final branch of this map lists several specific thoughtful ideas you can put to action to help you get started toward becoming a more thoughtful person. Remember that thoughtfulness is often a simple act. It doesn’t take much to be thoughtful, however it does take some work to figure out how you will put your thoughtfulness into practice.

As you progressively work through this map you will begin to gather deeper insights into the nature of what it takes to be a more thoughtful person. And with time and practice, you will develop the necessary habits of mind to help you put your thoughtfulness into action in practical ways to win friends and influence people.

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