Psychological Rules

The Psychological Rules IQ Matrix will help you to get a better understanding of how unconscious psychological rules are governing your life and influencing your daily decisions, behaviors and actions. The mind map discusses the purpose and evolution of psychological rules; breaks down process to help you identify unhelpful rules; and provides guidelines for developing empowering rules.

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Here is a quick break down of each branch of the Psychological Rules IQ Matrix:

  • What are Rules?:  Outlines the meaning, purpose and evolution of psychological rules and the influence that they have on our lives.
  • Identifying Rules:  Breaks down the process that will help you to identify the helpful and unhelpful rules that are currently governing your life.
  • Transforming Rules:  Delves into a transformational process that will help you to create new and more empowering psychological rules that will naturally propel you towards the achievement of your goals and objectives.

Stick with these principles, memorize them and incorporate them into your daily habits and actions, and you will progressively transform the psychological rules that are currently holding you back from achieving your lifelong goals and objectives.

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