The Spirit and Soul (mx)

Even though this topic isn’t backed by a significant amount of scientific evidence, I have nevertheless included it here.

My objective with developing the MasterMind Matrix was to create a visual tool that provided us with an all-encompassing representation of interconnecting fragments that make up the physical, psychological, and metaphysical worlds. Only in this way could we even begin to fathom the true nature of our reality and of the universe we live in.

Yes, we have a body. But we are much more than just a physical body. We are also an energetic being that is connected to everything on a sub-atomic level.

Because we’re all connected, we can, therefore, — on some level — influence the nature of our reality. This is, where we enter the world of extrasensory perception, which takes place on the spiritual plane.

Each of us has a Soul. This Soul is a mirror replica of the physical body. It exists within time and space. We also have a Spirit. This is our true state-of-being. Your Spirit is all-knowing and eternal. It exists beyond space and time.

Spirit and the Soul

IQ Matrix Maps

Below you will find relevant IQ Matrix maps that are part of this segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart:

Additional Resources

Learn more about this segment of the MasterMind Matrix by visiting the following links and resources:

Here are several recommended books that will provide you with more insights and information about this specific segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart.

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