Unhelpful Thinking Styles (mx)

As we go through life and gain more experiences, we tend to develop very specific thinking patterns. These are predictable habits of thought that help us to better manage our responses to circumstances.

Some of these thinking patterns are helpful. These patterns give us the means to respond to our world in healthy and empowering ways. However, we also have other thinking patterns that are unhelpful — that tend to cloud our judgment of reality.

If left unchecked, the unhelpful thinking patterns we indulge in can often cause a great deal of emotional distress. This ultimately prevents us from seeing our life and circumstances in a rational and objective way.

To change your thought patterns, you need to first become aware of them. Once awareness has been established, you can then begin consciously reprogramming and redirecting your thoughts in more optimal ways.

Ultimately, you can choose to either take charge and consciously control your thought patterns or you can step back and allow them to control you.

Unhelpful Thinking Styles

IQ Matrix Maps

Below you will find relevant IQ Matrix maps that are part of this segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart:

Additional Resources

Learn more about this segment of the MasterMind Matrix by visiting the following links and resources:

Here are several recommended books that will provide you with more insights and information about this specific segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart.

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