Embrace Speed of Execution

The Embrace Speed of Execution IQ Matrix explores the value of working quickly, efficiently and building momentum in the pursuit of your goals. Achieving any goal often comes down to timing. If you act quickly and take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves, you will increase your chances of success. However, if you hesitate or don’t follow through at the opportune moment, then the goal you so desperately want might just slip through your fingers. This map will help you to embrace speed of execution so that you make the most of the opportunities that come your way. Embrace Speed of Execution

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Here is a quick breakdown of each branch of the Embrace Speed of Execution IQ Matrix:

  • Act Quickly: The first branch of this map highlights the importance of acting quickly when it comes to goal achievement. This is about being proactive and about taking the initiative to get things done effectively and efficiently without delay.
  • Don’t Hesitate: The second branch of this map explores the importance of taking massive action without hesitation. The moment you hesitate is the moment you lose momentum and the opportunities that come with acting quickly.
  • Build Momentum: The third branch of this map walks you through how to build momentum as you work toward your goals. Momentum, is, of course, an extension of acting quickly without hesitation. When you take the initiative to jump onto things fast, that is when you start building momentum through speed of execution. As a result, you achieve your goals more rapidly and efficiently.
  • Overcome Resistance: The final branch of this map breaks down how to overcome resistance. Resistance is something that will hinder your progress and hold you back from achieving your goals. Resistance comes in many forms. It can be external as well as internal. Most resistance, though, is of an internal nature. Understanding its form and nature will help you fight back and overcome the resistance that holds you back.

As you work through this map, you will progressively discover the incredible value that comes through the speed of execution. Through consistent application, you will begin working faster, more efficiently, and with a higher level of urgency as you build momentum toward your goals.

This map was inspired by The 100 Day Challenge.

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