Thoughts and Imagination (mx)

Your thoughts are nothing more but impulses of information and energy that create molecules (thinking cells) built upon the five senses and your personal perceptions and interpretations of reality.

Your thoughts form the foundations of your habits and beliefs. They create neuropeptides that awaken chemical responses within the body. These hormones then trigger the habitual emotions you experience each day.

Research has shown that on average we have around 60,000 thoughts per day. What’s striking though, is that 95% of those thoughts are repeated from the previous day, and 77% are often of a pessimistic nature.

Therefore, if you feel as though your life is somewhat predictable, then it’s because you’re consistently indulging in the same thought patterns. Nothing will ever change unless a thought instigates that change.

The one thing you have full control over are the thoughts you allow to grow in your mind. Learning how to modify and redirect those thoughts, is the fastest way to take charge of your life.

Thoughts and Imagination

IQ Matrix Maps

Below you will find relevant IQ Matrix maps that are part of this segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart:

Additional Resources

Learn more about this segment of the MasterMind Matrix by visiting the following links and resources:

Here are several recommended books that will provide you with more insights and information about this specific segment of the MasterMind Matrix chart.

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